2005 Emission Inventory

Classification of activities (SNAP 97)

In order to carry out an inventory it is important to use a nomenclature able to characterize all activities which are relevant for the evaluation of atmospheric emissions.

The classification used for the inventory of Lombardy Region 2003 is the one defined within the framework of CORINAIR project in its last version named SNAP 97 (Selected Nomenclature for sources of Air Pollution - year 1997). The code that identifies each activity consists in two numbers, representing respectively the group, the sub-group and the activity to which emission estimates is referred.

Characterized groups are the following 11:

  1. Combustion in energy and transformation industry;
  2. Non-industrial combustion plants;
  3. Combustion in manufacturing industry;
  4. Production processes;
  5. Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels;
  6. Solvent and other product use;
  7. Road Transport;
  8. Other mobile sources and machinery;
  9. Waste treatment and disposal;
  10. Agriculture;
  11. Other sources and sinks.
The proposed classification, created in order to carry out inventories at national, regional and county level, includes all activities which are considered relevant for atmospheric emissions. This is in any way an updateable nomenclature, as it is always possible to insert new items that take into account significant emissions for activities which are specific for some areas.

SNAP 97 nomenclature was used in the carried out emission inventory. The new added activities, considered significant for this inventory, are written in italic. In fact it was necessary to add new activities to the basic nomenclature in order to make the best of the huge bulk of data available by means of the census, and to avoid the aggregation of information that is more useful in a disaggregated form for the Regional Plan of Air Quality. Among these new activities there are coffee toasting, fodder production, inactive waste landfills and motors used in waste landfills.

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